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Put your data to work with Minitab. Inpage urdu software free download 2013 for windows 7 1. Data scientists and decision makers worldwide use Minitab to analyze and visualize their data. With Minitab, you can draw graphs and charts, run descriptive statistics, and conduct basic inferential tests for data-driven decision making. This beginner-level course will introduce new users to all its features.

Richard Chua shows how to import and organize data; open, save, and share Minitab worksheets and projects; create graphs and charts; and use descriptive statistics and statistical tests in Minitab to make inferences and data-driven decisions. Then learn how to make inferences on continuous data—running normality tests, variance tests, correlations, and simple regression tests. Finally, discover how to share your findings with others using reports and simple copy-and-paste techniques. Start watching to learn why Minitab is one of the world's most popular statistical software tools. Instructor •. Richard Chua is a consultant, author, professor, and certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt trainer. For the last 25 years, Dr.

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Chua has trained thousands of executives, managers, and project leaders in Fortune 500 and multinational companies to become Champions and Yellow, Green, Black, and Master Black Belts in the deployment of Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. Chua's successes have been published as cover stories in magazines such as the American Society for Quality's Six Sigma Forum Magazine, where he co-authored an article with the CEO of Samsung Electronics, and in Quality Progress with the operations executive at Genentech. In addition to his consulting practice, Dr. Chua is lead professor of operations management in the Jack Welch Management Institute. He holds a PhD in business administration from the University of Minnesota, and a BS in industrial engineering (BSIE) with distinction from Purdue University. Chua is the author of the Six Sigma Foundations, Six Sigma: Green Belt, Learning Minitab, Six Sigma: Black Belt, Operational Excellence Foundations, Lean Six Sigma Teams: Define and Measure Tools, and Lean Six Sigma Teams: Analyze, Improve, and Control Tools courses.