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Image copyright Reuters Image caption The Model S autopilot Beta test The Autopilot function was introduced by Tesla in October last year. Prablema geraizmu i podzvigu u apovesti znak byadi v bikova. In a conference call, the firm's enigmatic chief executive Elon Musk urged caution in using the technology.


A few months have passed and it is a beautiful spring day. The rain fell heavily last night, but now the soft white clouds are floating across the blue sky, and the sun is shining brightly. Prakticheskij kurs nemetskogo yazyka Stranovedenie [A. Popov] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Eto posobie prakticheskogo i spravochnogo kharaktera. Ono sochetaet v sebe ser'eznyj i sistematicheskij podkhod k izucheniyu nemetskogo yazyka i formirovaniyu sotsiokul'turnoj kompetentsii.