Four Bar Software Norton

How are we supposed to access and modify our images unless it's through some complicated URL-modifying process in the browser's address bar? Your Norton Ladybug.

How many nascar drivers have private jets today. Hi everyone, In the next few days, we'll be updating our forum software. Most things will stay the same; the boards will remain in the same locations, as well as your posts and ranks. There will be a few changes to the forum, most notably: 1) Solution Button - it will be in the bottom right corner of the post. It will be a smaller, more clear button indicating its function.

2) Notify Moderator - instead of the 'Report Abuse to a Moderator' link in each post, we've renamed it to 'Notify Moderator' in the new version. This will still have the same function - letting us know which threads need moving/removing/editing/special attention. Just like the previous link, 'Notify Moderator' is not intended to get your issue resolved more quickly.

3) Kudos - the Kudos button has been moved and changed (it's on the far left, below the user stats, with a yellow number and a star). You will click the STAR to give a Kudos, you click the number to see who gave the Kudos. Hi everyone, In the next few days, we'll be updating our forum software.

Most things will stay the same; the boards will remain in the same locations, as well as your posts and ranks. There will be a few changes to the forum, most notably: 1) Solution Button - it will be in the bottom right corner of the post. It will be a smaller, more clear button indicating its function. 2) Notify Moderator - instead of the 'Report Abuse to a Moderator' link in each post, we've renamed it to 'Notify Moderator' in the new version.

This will still have the same function - letting us know which threads need moving/removing/editing/special attention. Just like the previous link, 'Notify Moderator' is not intended to get your issue resolved more quickly. 3) Kudos - the Kudos button has been moved and changed (it's on the far left, below the user stats, with a yellow number and a star). You will click the STAR to give a Kudos, you click the number to see who gave the Kudos. If they have finished with it, I've got Feedback and Questions: - The Text is too small; make it bigger so I don't need to use a magnifying glass to read the text. - How does one stick, or 'Float', a Thread to the Top?

- Whenever I Open the 'Insert/edit link', it seems to clash with something on my computer. Not sure if it's Norton clashing/Scanning it. - How is one meant to know if they've got a P.M.? Does the icon light up and do a light display for you when you get a P.M.? Does it sing to you? All you've got is a tiny, wee number which most users will not notice - until somewhere five months' down the line ('Whoops!' You can go into preferences >display and there will be font size, the default is medium which is small, but you can change to large or X-large and everything will appear larger.

Though for me X-large makes you lose the right side of the forum post listing cause the Kudos and whatnot charts overlap.I don't know how to float anymore. So I book marked and 'Sank' what I want to read on the forum front page. Also when I went into Edit for this post. My font went really small like amoeba size small and I had to hightlight and change the font to 2 (10pt) just to be able to read it again. Little sad that my icon is now classic and none of the new bright and shiny ones doesn't have a sun. • Inseting an image into a post using the new interface fails big time under Vista.

That aside, the issues I see with the new interface are as follows: • The font size - too small in too many places. Refer to previous posts for verification. • The 'Top Kudoed Post' column should be moved back to a horizontal line at the bottom of the page. • Moving this column will make the ellispsis on the existing Subject lines dissappear. In addition, if a post has been kudoed, then the font colour of those kudos greater than zero should be black. Too pale to highlight a kudoed post at the moment.

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Here are some things I noticed in the new engine: - by the posts the replies and new, plus the kudos numbers are a bit confusing by some topics - I miss the Mark all post Read function from the top menu on the main page (or just not found it yet:P) - I didn't noticed this before: When I go to edit/create messages in IE8 loading the Rich text editor makes IE8 a bit slow like it will freeze in a moment. When the load is done, everything works fine. EDIT: - it would be better if by inserting a picture the default Image Alignment would be Inline - by inserting picture if I uploaded the picture to the symantec site it started the browsing from the default download/upload folder IE saved, now it is going always to My Documents -> the previous mechanisum I liked more:D - the highlighted topics should have some different color, or have more space between them and normal topics. My first impressions. What I like: 1) I like the Kudo icon being closer to the posting user, makes it more obvious. But I think it would still help for the Icon to be labeled with 'Give Kudo' or something like that.