Gimnastika Dlya Vosstanovleniya Zreniya Po Norbekovu

In the modern world, most people have poor eyesight. Statistics say that nine out of ten peopleOlder than 21 years, who live in a civilized world, suffers from vision problems. And with age this situation worsens and almost all of the forty-year-olds have any shortcomings in sight. Blank cenniki onlajn free. But there are a lot of folk methods of its restoration: gymnastics and folk medicine. Today 'so simple!'

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Gathered for you 10 best tools to improve and complete Restoration of vision, Which definitely will not harm your health, but quite the opposite - will help get rid of deviations in vision! Eye repair products. • Blueberries This is the most famous and one of the most effective products for improving vision. Use these berries in any form: ground with sugar, in desserts or in raw form.

• Parsley with lemon and honey This medicine needs to be taken one month afterDo this for a two-week break and repeat the course if necessary. For its preparation, mix the ground lemon, parsley root and a tablespoon of honey. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal or an hour and a half after. • Schizandra chinese Fresh fruits of this plant can be consumed in any form, but not more than 3-5 berries, twice in the morning. • carrot This vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to the improvement of vision, so include carrots in the diet in any form.

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• Dogrose You can either have fresh rose hips, orBrew tinctures and compotes from them. Their dry fruits you can make tea: pour a tablespoon of dry berries with two glasses of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Then the broth should be insisted on and used on half a glass twice a day. • calendula Brew 1-2 teaspoon of calendula flowers with a glass of boiled water and drink as regular tea. • Dill seeds Chop a teaspoon of dill and poultry seedsA glass of boiling water. Insist the drink 15 minutes, and after the procedure.

Use 3 times a day for one third of a glass 15 minutes before eating. Infusion should be consumed 1 month with weekly interruptions. • Lingonberry These berries are incredibly useful for the eyes, especially for farsightedness. You can use them in any form. • cranberry Juice of their berries can be taken with glaucoma 1/3 cup 2 times a day by a course of two weeks. If necessary, you can repeat it in a few months.

• Stems of calamus Air improves visual acuity, as well as memory and hearing. Juice of this plant must be taken on a teaspoon 3 times a day. It improves visual acuity, as well as memory and hearing. If you are very familiar with Problems with the eyes, Trust the age-old wisdom of the people and try to improve or even restore your vision with the help of these folk ways!

Mirzakarim Norbekov - a man thanks to which a huge numberPeople around the world were able to restore their eyesight and forever get rid of their glasses. The main principle of his technique is psychological emancipation from the habit of considering himself weak, sick, frail and insecure.

But it can not be said that such a Vision restoration technique Is completely based on self-hypnosis, and Norbekov has developed a series of exercises that give an excellent result in the treatment of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. But the healing of such diseases as cataract And glaucoma, atrophy of the optic nerve andMacular degeneration, should not be expected, although the author of the technique tries to prove the effectiveness of his system and with such organic irreversible lesions of the organ of vision. Performing gymnastics for Norbekov's vision, it is necessary to maintain a muscular corset: straightened shoulders, a straight back and do everything with a smile and positive emotions. Gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov. • Exercise for improvement of sight № 1 Keep your head straight, without tipping back.

Gimnastika dlya vosstanovleniya zreniya po norbekovu 1

Eyes lead upwards (to the ceiling), mentally continuing their movement further, through the forehead, vertically upwards. • Exercise for improvement of sight № 2 Keeping the flat position of the head, look down, mentally continuing your gaze into your own throat. • Exercise for improvement of sight № 3 Take a glance to the left, as if through your left ear. Take your eyes to the right, as though through your right ear. • Exercise to improve the vision number 4 - 'butterfly' When doing the exercise, pay special attention toImmobility of the head, rotate only the eyes. Make sure that the eye muscles do not overextend and try to get the largest drawing within the face.

Sequence of movements with the eyes: the lower left corner - the upper right corner - the lower right corner - the upper left corner. Then repeat the exercise in reverse order: the lower right corner - the upper left corner - the lower left corner - the upper right corner. Then relax your eyes and eyelids, quickly and easily blink.