Xl2qif Excel 2010

I found a useful Excel-to-qif converter (freeware) here: which takes data from my Excel file and makes it importable into MSMoney. However, it ignores the MS Money 'Category' data, even when I have definitely selected those columns in the Excel file for the Add-in to work with. I don't know how to edit/modify the add-in myself and I can't ask the person who built it, because their contact details are out of date and their email bounces.

Is there anyone out there that would be willing to take a look and see if they can suggest a way forward? Thanks in advance. Samlogic cd menu creator download crack. I'm using Office 2007 and Windows 7 Ultimate. I have posted this question on the Microsoft Answers pages for Excel and another member has recommended I post here also.

Location Florida MS-Off Ver Excel 2007 Posts 2. Looking for csv to qif file converter XL2QIF XL2QIF is an Excel Add-In that converts data to QIF format. Using Excel2LaTeX in Excel 2010. Ask Question 28. I just installed Excel2LaTeX in Excel 2010. I do see it in add-ins. However, I cannot find a way to operate it. It does NOT work in Excel 2011 for Mac. For 2010 and 2007 I had to restart to see the ribbon. Microsoft is hopeless.

Hi, See if this will help: How to export and import account information in Microsoft Money Sincerely, Max Meng Forum Support Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. No, unfortunately, it doesn't, Max I'm trying to import xls data (from EBay invoices) into MSMoney. If I am correct, there is no way to directly do this; that is why I was attempting to use the clever xl2qif freeware add-in, to go first from xls to QIF, and then import the QIF into Money (I know how to do the latter).

My problem is that the QIF file which results from using the Add-in does not appear to process 'Category' data. I have been unable to contact the developer and without a big learning exercise, for which I don't have time, I don't know how to edit the add-in to make it work. If you know of another way to import xls data into MSMoney, please say.

The link you've provided does not reference this topic, as far as I can see; it only covers Money data INTO xls format or interchange of Money/QIF files. Hi, Sorry for that. But I couldn't open the link you provide. And I have searched for it, seems it stoped being updated since. Will you try this tool instead? It is claimed it will work with Excel 97 - 2010.

Although you will need to pay for it. I think you'd better post your question to the forum for MS Money: You may get help from these user have similar problem, and you can come back if you hava any question on Excel side.

Links maybe useful: Java app(s) to update quotes Download Price Quotes to Microsoft Money After Microsoft Pulls the Plug Reconnecting Microsoft Money Please Note: Since some web sites are not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Sincerely, Max Meng Forum Support Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Max - try the link again, it's still working fine for me and the download is still available.

In fact, when I went back to it, I noticed some more links and downloads, including a.txt to.mny converter which I will look at when I get time. I can't justify spending any money on a fix just now, so I already rejected purchasing bigred's solution. Also, the Sunset editions don't work for me, as I'm a Money UK 2004 user (the last version that was made) and we were repeatedly warned (when they were cheaper) not to switch to an international/US version because they would be inapproporiate for UK tax reports etc.:-( But I will post in the Money forum as well, in case there are other dinosaurs like me lurking there.

Thanks for reading. The problem isn't with the xl2qif converter, the problem is with Microsoft Money.

I tried an experiment and opened a new Money file, added a couple of transactions, exported them, deleted them, and then tried the Import.Download Statement option. The Category and Subcategory were missing. I then tried importing them with Import.Recover Accounts and the Category and Subcategory were imported correctly.

Then I tried the same thing with the xl2qif converter to verify that it works correctly using the Import.Recover Accounts option, and it does. When using xl2qif converter, be sure that Auto Import is not checked. The converter can still be found by going to archive.org and searching for. I found it in the June 25, 2016 archive. Hope this helps.

Whenever you install an add-in in Excel, it is added to an internal list of available add-ins. This list is used by Excel whenever you display the Add-ins dialog box. (The Add-ins dialog box is where you are shown available add-ins and can use a check box to indicate which should be enabled when running Excel.) Removing a previously installed add-in so that it doesn't appear in the Add-ins dialog box can be a confusing process, since Excel provides no way to directly edit that internal list of add-ins. Crack You can get around this frustration, however, by following these steps: • Get out of Excel. • Use the tools in Windows (such as the Search tool) to locate the add-in file you want removed. You can locate add-in files by their file name extension: either.xla or.xlam, depending on your version of Excel. • Delete, rename, or move the add-in file.