Template Halaman Login Hotspot Mikrotik Router

Step-by-step guide • Get a MikroTik Router () and follow the instructions to install the Tanaza’s firmware. • Login or sign up to. Signing up gives you a 15-days free trial. • Click on add access point. From now on, you can apply configurations to your MikroTik router remotely and monitor it from the cloud. • Create your SSID and start configuring your hotspot login settings.

And show users your video and image advertisements. • Manage your MikroTik wireless clients from Can I customize the Mikrotik Hotspot Login Page? Once you have created and named your SSID, you can customize your hotspot login settings. Examples of texas drivers license. You can apply one of the default templates to your login page, or create your own login page from scratch, using Tanaza’s Splash Page Editor.

Berikut contoh tampilan halaman depan template login hotspot mikrotik yang kami share kali ini, versi desktop dan versi smartphone. Template Login Mikrotik Responsive. Template login page mikrotik yang kami share ini sangat cocok digunakan diberbagai jenis perangkat, ukurannya akan secara otomatis menyesuaikan lebar screen dari perangkat yang. Login Page ini di design oleh sahabat saya Efdika owner dari situs topsetting.com. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pada router mikrotik memiliki sebuah fitur hotspot. Ketika kita membuat hotspot dan mencoba akses internet melalui titik hotspot tersebut maka kita akan di-redirect ke halaman login untuk.

Here is an overview of the settings you can apply to your Hotspot Login Page: Add login methods. This is the first thing to do, as you have to select which authentication methods better apply to your business model and to the venue that offers WiFi.

Tanaza offers: • • Voucher-based authentication, that works similarly to Mikrotik’s HTTP PAP authentication and MAC address authentication, apart from the fact that there isn’t any username to enter, only a password (that is the voucher code). It can be used both for free WiFi and paid WiFi. • Various social login methods, including Facebook, Twitter, etc., also with social engagement actions (Facebook Like and Facebook check-in) • Other authentication methods that allows users to exchange free WiFi for their data, for example name, surname, email, phone (with SMS verification), and combinations of the above. Voucher based authentication, when combined with social login methods or other methods, can work to provide a “Trial” free-of-charge WiFi access for a certain period of time, after which users are required to authenticate again, through a paid WiFi voucher. If you like MikroTik’s “HTTP cookie” authentication, you can set Tanaza’s “Remember me” features that creates a very similar customer experience.


Users’ MAC addresses are saved and remember for a certain period of time, so that when they return to the location, they are automatically logged in. This provides a “. Show advertisements.

You can change settings so that the splash page shows users your image and video advertisements. In contrast with MikroTik hotspot system, that shows advertisements in the status page time after time, Tanaza’s hotspot systems shows the ads before authentication, directly in the login page. Uploaded ads can be of any format and can ether rotate randomly or time-based or link to external websites, that are listed in the walled garden. Custom HTML widgets You don’t need any coding capability to build your Mikrotik WiFi hotspot with Tanaza. The Editor is drag-and-drop and very easy-to-use. But, if you want to add a custom HTML widget, you can do it!