Mysql Static Dll

In a statement carried by Turkey's NTV television, the military said the soldiers belonged to a 'terrorist' network led by Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based Muslim cleric who has led a religious movement for decades. Anketa The armed forces said 35 planes, including 24 fighter jets and 37 helicopters, were used in the coup attempt on July 15 when at least 246 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured. It said 37 tanks and 246 armoured vehicles were also used in the coup attempt and added that it has the power to put down any further threats. ISTANBUL, July 27 (Reuters) - The Turkish military said on Wednesday that 8,651 soldiers took part in a failed attempt to overthrow the government earlier this month, accounting for about 1.5 percent of the army.

• For applications that use X DevAPI: #include • For applications that use X DevAPI for C: #include • For applications that use the legacy JDBC API: #include #include #include Legacy code that uses Connector/C++ 1.1 has #include directives of this form: #include #include #include To build such code with Connector/C++ 8.0 without modifying it, add $MYSQL_CPPCONN_DIR/include/jdbc to the include path. Obyazannosti vahtera obschezhitiya. To compile code that you intend to link statically against Connector/C++, define a macro that adjusts API declarations in the header files for usage with the static library.

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0 Developer Guide / Building Connector/C++ Applications / Building Connector/C++ 8.0 Applications from the Command Line with make. On Windows, the static library is named mysqlclient.lib and the dynamic library is named libmysql.dll. In addition, the libmysql.lib static import library is needed.

For details, see. • (Unix) • libmysqlcppconn.7.dylib (macOS) • mysqlcppconn-7-vs NN.dll, with import library vs NN/mysqlcppconn-static.lib (Windows) On Windows, the vs NN value in library names depends on the MSVC compiler version used to build the libraries (for example, vs14 for MSVC 2015).

This convention enables using libraries built with different versions of MSVC on the same system. For details, see. To build code that uses X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C, add -lmysqlcppconn8 to the linker options. To build code that uses the legacy JDBC API, add -lmysqlcppconn.

You must also indicate whether to use the 64-bit or 32-bit libraries by specifying the appropriate library directory. Use an -L linker option to specify $MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR/lib64 (64-bit libraries) or $MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR/lib (32-bit libraries), where $MYSQL_CPPCONN_DIR is the Connector/C++ installation location. Note The resulting code, even though it is compiled as plain C, depends on the C++ runtime (typically libstdc++, though this may differ depending on platform or build tools; see ).

Mysql static dll download

To build a plain C++ application that uses the legacy JDBC API, has sources in app.c, and links dynamically to the connector library, the Makefile might look like this: MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR= Connector/C++ installation location CPPFLAGS = -I $(MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR)/include -L $(MYSQL_CONCPP_DIR)/lib64 LDLIBS = -lmysqlcppconn app: app.c The library option in this case is -lmysqlcppcon, rather than -lmysqlcppcon8 as for an X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C application. With that Makefile, the command make app generates the following compiler invocation: cc -I./include -L./lib64 app.c -lmysqlcppconn -o app Typically, applications that use the legacy JDBC API are written in plain C++.

However, if application code does use C++11, the Makefile should also specify the -std=c++11 option: CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11. • libmysqlcppconn-static.a (Unix, macOS) • vs NN/mysqlcppconn-static.lib (Windows) On Windows, the vs NN value in library names depends on the MSVC compiler version used to build the libraries (for example, vs14 for MSVC 2015). This convention enables using libraries built with different versions of MSVC on the same system. For details, see. To compile code that you intend to link statically against Connector/C++, define a macro that adjusts API declarations in the header files for usage with the static library. One way to define the macro is by passing a -D option on the compiler invocation command.