Grinev S V Vvedenie V Terminovedenie 1993

© The Editorial Team of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies Volume 29, 2014, pp. 115-122 Customs Term as Unit of Ukrainian Sectoral Terminology System Vira Deyneka Article first published online: October 10, 2014 Additional information Author Information: Vira M. Deyneka, Senior Lecturer at Department of Ukrainian Studies, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky. Correspondence: Citation: Deyneka, V.

The article makes a comparative analysis of the lexico-semantic process of homonymy in the modern English and Russian languages by the material of ecological terminology. This journal was published prior to January 1, 2017 in a printed version and had an ISSN number: 2305-6177. Since January 1, 2017 the journal has transitioned to an e-journal, and now carries a new ISSN number: 2454-0749.

Customs Term as Unit of Ukrainian Sectoral Terminology System [Text] / V. Deyneka // Linguistic Studies: collection of scientific papers / Donetsk National University; Ed. – Donetsk: DonNU, 2014.

It invent s klyuchom free 'They just sort of went with the plates,' Bouquin said. 'And a lot of the focus for the longest time has been on getting the data off of the plates, because that's really the magnitudes and the photometry in the light curves that the scientists need.' DASCH student workers scanning plates Indeed, researchers have spent the last 15 years digitizing the school's glass plate collection as part of the (Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard) program. They spent more than four decades being transferred between various archives and libraries within the school.

– ISBN 966-7277-88-7 Publication History: Volume first published online: October 10, 2014.

Despite the existence of international standards, recommendations and manuals, medical terminology is characterized by a high percentage of formal-semantic variation. The relevance of the article due to the need to identify the causes of the disorder terminology, to suggest recommendations for its normalization and codification. Source of collection of linguistic material was “Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms” by V.I. Pokrovsky (Moscow, 2005). The language material was collected by the method of continuous sampling, were analyzed using the historical-etymological method of the analysis of dictionary definitions, the comparative method. One of the most numerous is the variance term, contrasted with the criterion of origin.

The novelty of the article is in a functional, pragmatic approach to the term. The study records and analyses of variance, disadvantages of terms and proposes recommendations for future lexicographic practice, taking into account the traditions of science, internal and external causes of language change. • Kratkoe metodicheskoe posobie po razrabotke i uporyadocheniyu nauchno-tekhnicheskoj terminologii / Otv.

Grinev s v vvedenie v terminovedenie 1993 1

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