Crack Fingers Like Kaneki

Jan 17, 2015 - fran-goes-rawr said: How do you crack your fingers like Kaneki Answer: • Understand why your knuckles crack. The noise is believed to be gas. But serius, i have been trying and nothing. Do aynone do this?

Crack Fingers Like Kaneki

Imitating other’s gestures tend to represent understanding and empathy, which makes sense: once Kaneki went through pretty much the same Jason did, he started cracking his fingers. Also, when someone is under extreme pressure it is likely they’ll hold on to something, anything, to keep themselves sane; both of them held on to the finger-cracking and the numbers so that they wouldn’t think of the pain. As for the numbers, other than that function, it indicates the number of chapters in Tokyo Ghoul: if you were to count from 1000 downwards by 7s you’d be able to tell 143 numbers. So, I hope that answered your question (: and if any of you reading this have question let me know in the comments! Share to • • • •. Devid siberi iskusstvo egoizma chitatj.